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We've seen what a corrupt and failed administration looks like, and it's on us to ensure this never happens again. Because it will take years to repair and make meaningful progress, we must ensure an ample runway of time and resources to see the progress we seek. Your investment will allow the DNC and state parties to build and maintain strong infrastructures at the national and state level to achieve Democratic victories across the country. We will be able maintain majorities in the House, Senate and state legislatures. For this reason, we ask you to commit to #StaytheCourse and #Commit2Eight. We need your energy and commitment to build back better.

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Source: Biden for President 

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Source: CNN


The Electoral Map: What You Should Know

Toss up states such as AZ, WI, MI, PA, GA, NC, and FL can only be won with your ongoing investment in the Democratic Party. We need staff, volunteers, legal presence inn order to counter voter suppression efforts. #StaytheCourse and we can keep AZ, MI, WI, PA and GA blue and assure voters in FL & NC they will best be served by Democratic leadership. #StaytheCourse.

Virginia House of Delegates was hard fought throughout 2017; Democrats were ONE single vote from winning a majority - ONE single person's vote. It was a tie, and a coin toss gave Republicans the majority. We finally flipped it in 2019. This effort took 3 years. Virginia House of Delegates election are in Nov 2021. We best be ready. With this win, we may finally pass the Equal Rights Amendment. #StaytheCourse.

AZ voters experienced voter suppression when polling sites were drastically reduced in 2016. We had a narrow margin of victory in November and now hold both Senate seats. Ongoing investments are needed. A majority in the state legislature and the Governorship is next.


There are now TWO Senate seats in Georgia headed for a runoff on January 5, 2021. Stacey Abrams lost (unlikely) her gubernatorial race by under 65K votes, where the Secretary of State, who was her opponent, invalidated 53K new voter registrations. We won Georgia with Stacey Abrams' persistence and commitment. We need yours. #StaytheCourse.

Texas voted not to allow vote-by-mail in 2020, except in limited cases. Texas also limited dropbox locations to one per county. With adequate staff and resources, we can build the ground game to reach voters. Beto O'Rourke nearly won in 2018 (or did). We have a real opportunity to secure a majority in the state legislature, elect a Democratic governor in 2022 and flip Texas blue in 2024.  #StaytheCourse.

Together, we altered the electoral map to look like this in November 2020! It wasn't easy. And our focusing on what's important, will brings us closer to equality and a more perfect union while holding every public servant accountable and uphold values of integrity, commitment, empathy and goodwill towards those they serve. #StaytheCourse.


 We must #StayTheCourse.


Photo: Shutterstock

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