Our Mission
We've only just begun! We lost key house races on 11/3/20 that we must protect as well as gain Senate seats during the midterms in 2022.
The Democratic National Committee is committed to electing Democrats at every level — from the school board to the Oval Office. But we can only do that together. We can't pop up every two or four years and risk losing ground and sustain reversals of the gains we make.
Photo: LaNola Stone
Your donation* will fuel the Biden for President campaign, the DNC and state parties. These are investments we must make for Democratic victories across the country. Maximum donation amount is $730,600. Donation form may be found here.
*The Biden Victory Fund does not accept contributions from corporations or their PACs,
unions, federal contractors, national banks, those registered as federal lobbyists or under
FARA, SEC-named executives of fossil fuel companies, or foreign nationals.
Biden Campaign
The first $5,600 will be allocated to Biden for President, with the first $2,800 designated for the primary and the next $2,800 for the general election.
State Parties
The next $150,000 will be split equally among the Democratic state parties from: AZ, CO, FL, GA, MI, MN, NC, NE, NH, NV, OH, PA, TX, VA, and WI.
The next $50,000 will be allocated to the DNC. After allocation to state parties, any additional funds remaining will also be allocated to the DNC, subject to applicable contribution limits.
Additional State Parties
The next $110,000 will be split equally among the Democratic state parties from: AL, DE, KS, LA, MA, MD, MS, NJ, NY, VT, and WV.
Photo: Drew Angerer, Getty Images
We invite you to become sponsors or hosts for events in support of the Democratic Party and our candidates. Please contact us and we'll be in touch.